Jason E. Wright

The firm’s principal attorney approaches every case with a strategy tailored to each client’s unique situation.

Whether your loss results from a broken promise, denial of insurance coverage, property damages, lost profits, loss of a business opportunity, or other impairment of rights causing economic harm, it is important to have an experienced commercial litigation attorney in your corner.

Jason has a well-earned reputation as someone who can navigate complex matters to find practical solutions. The firm represents small and midsize businesses, nonprofits, policyholders, investors, owners, partners, homeowners, and consumers in a variety of disputes, with a history of achieving favorable outcomes whenever possible.

Attorney Jason E. Wright
Focused on Results

Knowing a protracted legal battle can be a costly disruption to your business or personal interests and affairs, the firm regularly offers to work on a hybrid contingency basis after investigating the merits of a case and always seeks to reach a negotiated settlement if possible.

Two professionals shaking hands
Skill + Determination

When litigation becomes inevitable or necessary, Wright Commercial Litigation is well-equipped to bring its unique preparation, attention to detail, and principled advocacy to bear on your behalf in any venue throughout Texas: state court, federal court, arbitration forum, or beyond.

Iron points on the top of a fence

Experienced Commercial Litigation Counsel Serving Clients in Collin County, Texas, the Dallas-Fort Worth Area, and Beyond

Most commercial disputes involve contract law; however, a business or individual can be financially harmed whenever a counterparty, collaborator, or competitor engages in any type of unreasonable conduct. Wright Commercial Litigation assists clients in a wide range of litigation that may result, including:

  • Breach of contract and quantum meruit
  • Collection, payment, and refund disputes (including fraudulent transfer)
  • Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA)
  • Fiduciary breaches (including partnership and LLC agreements)
  • Fraud, misrepresentation, and failures to disclose
  • Insurance coverage and bad faith denials
  • Investment losses (real estate, oil and gas royalties, Texas securities fraud)
  • Loss of business opportunity (franchises, distributorships, exclusive dealing)
  • Noncompete, non-solicitation, and nondisclosure agreements (NDA)
  • Ownership disagreements (including Texas shareholder/minority oppression)
  • Property damage due to professional negligence, construction defects, or malpractice
  • Tortious interference with business relationships
  • Unfair competition and anticompetitive conduct
  • Warranty/UCC breaches

Whether you have a routine breach of contract or complex high-stakes multi-party business dispute, Wright Commercial Litigation can represent your interests in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Why You Need an Experienced Dallas-Fort Worth Commercial Attorney

Jason E. Wright is skilled at all aspects of civil litigation, working to ensure key facts pertaining to your case are understood early on within the context of the substantive law to give you the benefit of frank assessments on merit and possible recoveries. Cases are often taken on a hybrid contingency basis, demonstrating the firm’s commitment to preparation that is focused on winning at trial by backing up its evaluations with a real value proposition.

Contact the Firm
Oil derrecks pumping raw fuel

Commercial Disagreements

Civil disputes rising to the level of hiring an attorney require an experienced strategist with the foresight to anticipate what will be required to win at each step in the litigation process, including:

  • Initial case assessment
  • Fact investigation and preservation
  • Calculating damages
  • Demand letters and statutory notice
  • Pre-suit negotiation or mediation
  • Potential settlement
  • Pleadings
  • Discovery (depositions, subpoenas, e-discovery, document production)
  • Expert witnesses
  • Dispositive motions and hearings
  • Pretrial preparation
  • Motions in limine
  • Jury selection
  • Trial
  • Post-trial motions
  • Post-judgment remedies/collection
  • Appeal and oral arguments
Upscale traditional office chairs and table

Available Remedies and
Damages in Commercial Litigation

Wright Commercial Litigation utilizes consultants, valuation experts, finance professionals, and industry specialists when necessary and cost effective to provide clients with the best opportunity to fully recoup all losses (and more) through a settlement or at trial.

Depending on the circumstances, a business or individual harmed in a commercial dispute may be entitled to the following types of remedies:

  • Compensatory, actual, or economic damages to recover financial losses incurred as a direct result of breach or a tort, such as “benefit of the bargain” damages, royalties, out-of-pocket costs, diminution in market value, cost of repair, and replacement cost
  • Consequential and incidental damages to reimburse special losses incurred as an indirect but foreseeable result of harm, such as lost profits, loss of use, reliance damages, restitution, costs of mitigation, loss of credit or financing, and loss of goodwill
  • Liquidated damages are a special form of compensation agreed to in advance by contract to remedy a breach, which are enforceable to the extent they were a reasonable forecast of the loss and not a penalty
  • Punitive damages (called exemplary damages in Texas) punish a defendant for engaging in particularly unfair, unconscionable, egregious, reprehensible, or malicious conduct, and deter others from similar wrongdoing
  • Treble damages (or statutory damages) are a form of multiplied recovery meant to deter unlawful business misconduct, based on statutes like the DTPA, bad faith insurance denial, usury, and more
  • Reformation corrects mistakes in a contract to reflect the true intent of parties, or to conform the terms to mandatory requirements of law
  • Attorney fees incurred to vindicate your rights may be recoverable under a contract or by law for enforcing an agreement, and for various statutory violations
  • Prejudgment interest as compensation for lost use of money owed as damages, calculated from the date they should have been paid to the date of an award
  • Rescission of a contract to return any money paid and place the parties back in the same position as if no contract was formed in the first place
  • Specific performance requiring a party to perform their obligations under a contract, which is available only when monetary compensation is not an option or insufficient as a remedy (e.g., with real estate, or unique/irreplaceable goods and services)
  • Declaratory judgment allows a court to determine the meaning, rights, or status of a contract or other legal relationships when faced with threatened (or existing) breach or other harm
  • Injunctive relief, such as a temporary restraining order (TRO), temporary injunction, or permanent injunction to preserve the status quo and prevent further loss from occurring

Alternative Dispute
Resolution Lawyer

The firm prepares every case to win at trial and be upheld on appeal, but also utilizes other forums when available to obtain the most optimal result at the least expense to a client. Jason E. Wright has experience with all forms of alternative dispute resolution, including negotiation, mediation, settlement, and arbitration. He has prosecuted and defended claims before the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and other specialized maritime and consumer arbitration forums, making the firm well-attuned to the unique strategies and approaches needed for success in alternative venues.

Professionals doing mediation in judge's quarters

Contact the Firm

McKinney, TX
Contact an Experienced Dallas-Fort Worth Commercial Attorney for an Initial Consultation

Given the time and expense associated with a lawsuit, Wright Commercial Litigation knows the value of providing honest assessments up front to prospective clients. The firm leverages years of experience in diverse industries to hone in on the key facts that matter most to determine potential outcomes and remedies, and typically can decide whether to offer a hybrid contingency fee after initial discussions (and reviewing core documents). General consultations are always fee—before, during, or after engagement—so you never feel pressured in that regard. Fill out the form here to request an initial consultation.